Driver Qualification File Setup


During an FMCSA/TX DPS audit or investigation, one of the first things an investigator will ask for is your Driver Qualification Files. Texas DOT Compliance Group specializes in developing a driver qualification file that will meet and exceed the FMCSA standards. Make a good impression by having your files reviewed and setup by Texas DOT Compliance Group.

When you hire drivers, fill out all necessary forms and to so that you can have a complete Driver Qualification file. Driver work references and Drug and Alcohol checks are time sensitive, since the regulations give you a specific time frame to make “a reasonable attempt to secure”. Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) must be secured within 30 days of employment and yearly. These are areas that we will also be looking at closely for accuracy and completeness. We will also be auditing for example annual reviews, driver license, medical cards, etc. It is our practice to re-audit every file we have at least once a year.

Additional Services Available

  1. USDOT NUMBER – We can file and obtain your USDOT number.
  2. UNIFIED CARRIER REGISTRATION (UCR). This is required by all companies that conduct interstate commerce. It is an annual filing. We can file and remind you of renewals each year.
  3. UPDATE MCS-150 – An update must be filed every two years. We can file and remind you of renewals needed.

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